Finance Summary (3rd Quarter Report, 2016-17)


General Reserve Fund: $52,702

Deferred Maintenance Fund: $46,633

Rev/Exp YTD: + $22,320. (3Q last year, +$6,474).


On the income side pledge income is slightly higher than the previous year. Collection plate continues second year of upward trend. Rental income very strong for the year and into the summer with multiple weeks of summer camp booked. The Auction net is $18,000.

Expenses are basically on or under budget in most areas. Staff transitions impact personnel expenses. Greater need for IT support and equipment put this line slightly over budget. Health insurance actual costs are lower than budgeted due to changes in insurance plans for staff.

While church income and expenses are very seasonal by nature. The continued and increase participation in auto-draft contributions helps even out large income fluctuations. It is hard to forecast the 4th quarter, so we will monitor the next few months closely. There can be an increase in expenses for the 4Q as ministry teams finish out the program year. ERUUF should finish on budget if end of year giving picks up like last year. We will again send out a reminder letter and encourage folks to finish their pledges for the year.

Stewardship & Budget: The stewardship campaign is wrapping up, even though there are still about 30+ pledges pending. Reminders calls/emails are in process. Usually at this point in the cycle we are waiting for nearly 100 remaining pledges. We are working on early draft budgets and estimating pledge income totals. So far, 275 pledges, $753,000 (as of April 13, 2017).

A first draft budget will be available for review by the Board April 18, and by the congregation on May 7. Feedback and revisions will shape the final budget which goes to the Board on May 16.

The final budget then goes to congregational vote at the annual meeting on June 4.

Note: Finance Forum, Sunday May 7, 10:30 am, Library



(document by Daniel Trollinger, Director of Administration)