Board of Trustees

ERUUF is governed by a nine-member Board of Trustees elected by the Fellowship and follows a policy-based governance model. Under policy-based governance, the Board of Trustees serves as representatives of the congregation and both gives voice to the vision and mission of ERUUF as well as writes the basic governing policies of the organization.

Read more: Board of Trustees

Contact Person: Connie Pearcy
Role: Chair
Staff Partner: Rev. Jacqueline Brett, Lead Minister

Board Covenant

As members of the Board of Trustees, we have the great privilege and responsibility of serving our beloved ERUUF in its mission: to transform lives by building a free and inclusive covenantal religious community of spirit, service, justice and love. To that end, we covenant to:
  • Live out our UU values in our lives and in our interactions with each other and the Fellowship
  • Strive to center the experiences of marginalized individuals, especially people of color
  • Embrace personal growth as we work to build the Beloved Community
  • Fulfill our responsibilities with commitment, courage, curiosity, and openness
  • Inspire, support, encourage, respect and deeply listen to each other
  • Consider and include the perspectives of underrepresented groups
  • Recognize that meeting our mission of transforming lives likely will bring us into difficult and uncomfortable conversations

Annual Vision of Ministry Goals

The Board of Trustees augments and focuses implementation of the Strategic Plan yearly with its Annual Vision of Ministry goals.  

Read more: Annual Vision of Ministry Goals

Ask the Board a Question

The Board of Trustees welcomes inquiries and feedback from the congregation.  Communications with the Board can be in person or by one of these methods:

Read more: Ask the Board a Question

Contact Person: Ann Verdine-Jones
Role: Chair
Staff Partner: Rev. Jacqueline Brett, Lead Minister

Governance Overview

The Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (ERUUF) is a self-governing religious organization that is affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA). We are a member of the Southern Region, one of 5 regions in the UUA. Each of the 1,041 Unitarian Universalist congregations in the United States, Canada, and overseas are democratic in polity and operation; they govern themselves.

Read more: Governance Overview

Policy Based Governance

Policy‐based governance (P‐BG) has become the standard model for organizing the governance of larger UU congregations. As a method of governance, it has positive features like a high degree of customizability (one size of P-BG does not have to fit all), an emphasis on accountability and responsibility, and the ability to experiment and change if some aspect of the governance is not working.

Read more: Policy Based Governance

Board Links

Minutes and Documents Board and congregational meetings, bylaws, etc.
Strategic Plan Operational strategic plan
Committees Board and congregational
Archives Historical decisions, committees and documentation