Term: 2022-2025
When I was in first grade, my grandparents gave me a children’s Bible and I became enamored with the stories. As I acted out each story with the book’s paper finger puppets, my parents realized that they wanted me to be raised in a more liberal tradition and began seeking a spiritual community. That is how I ended up as a lifelong UU from Milwaukee, WI.
As I aged out of religious education, I found my people in the UU ministry at UW-Madison and spent many weekends at retreats and protests at Fort Benning, GA with my college peers. I paused while in graduate school at UNC, but found my spiritual home at ERUUF once I had children and have been here for 13 years. I began to feel connected to this congregation by participating in smaller groups and taking on leadership roles. Over the years, I joined Rev. Brett's Student Ministry Lay Committee, taught RE and adult OWL, sang in the Beloved Community Chorus, organized Parent Group camping trips, and selected organizations to fund through the Generosity Committee.
Professionally, I am a Community Health Consultant with the American Heart Association. In this role, I help set the national strategy for health priorities using an equity lens with a focus on policy, system, and environmental changes. Before this, I stayed connected to the local community in my role as the Health Education Director at the Durham County Department of Public Health and as a Board member of TreesDurham.
I was married by Rev. Jacqueline to my wife, Sophie McMillian, in May 2023. We have two children, Logan (13) and Dylan (11), and a Basenji pooch, Mrs. Boozle. I love being outdoors and try to squeeze in as much stand-up paddleboarding, camping, hiking, running, cycling, disc golfing, and pickleballing as possible. ERUUF is my spiritual home and has provided a place to reflect, connect and embody the values of being a UU through direct action.