Term: 2022-2025

I came to ERUUF in 2018 looking for a spiritual home. I became a member in Spring 2019 and since then have been involved in a Chalice Circle, racial justice offerings and WAG, the Generosity Sunday Committee, the Refugee and Immigrant Action Group, and UU the Vote. I’m currently in my final year of service on the Board of Trustees and through it, the Committee on the Evaluation of Ministry.

I’ve lived in Chapel Hill for 30+ years -- most of that time with my late husband Jerry Oster until he passed away in 2020. I was born in Washington, DC but grew up living abroad, mostly in Latin America because my father worked with USAID.

I graduated from the University of Maryland with a BA in modern dance and danced semi-professionally before moving to New York to study at the Erick Hawkins studio. My career was in the nonprofit sector and during the 26 years I worked in NC I was proud to be part of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits. I served as Acting President when our longtime founder and CEO retired, and the board was hiring her successor. I left as Senior Vice President in 2018 because of chronic health issues. I am now retired and loving it!