Affinity Groups
Mah Jongg Group
2nd Thursday (2pm-4pm) and 4th Tuesday (10am-12pm) each month
Room 4/5 in the CARE Building
Play and learn American Mah Jongg with fellow ERUUFians! We follow National Mah Jongg League rules. All levels of play are welcome, including beginners!
For questions or to be added to the mailing list for details and play sign-up, contact us.
- Contact Person: Anita Chase, Deb Davis
- Role: Co-coordinators
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister
Spiritual Threads
3rd Saturday 10:00am-12:30pm Room 4/5 CARE Bldg.
This group examines fiber arts as a spiritual practice, observing how societies use textiles to express spirituality and preserve culture. Individual and collective creativity are explored within a framework of shared talents and gifts, encouragement, and affirmation.
- Contact Person: Karen Wysocki
- Role: Coordinator
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister
Men's Group
2nd & 4th Thursday: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
An open group for mutual support and affirmation. We focus on life changes and challenges, offering experiential support and a listening atmosphere. We welcome any man at any age or stage of life.
- Contact Person: Michael Owen
- Role: Facilitator
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister
Literary Journal
The Eno River Literary Journal offers a platform for writers, both amateur and professional, young and old, to share their work in a handsomely produced book each spring. Now going for over fourteen years, the Journal has grown from 13 submissions to over 50. Poetry, short stories, essays, short plays, and opinion pieces are welcome.
- Contact Person: Joan Tilghman
- Role: Editor-in-chief
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Shawn Trimble, Office Administrator
Clicking for a Cause
This needlecraft ministry brings comfort to members and friends of ERUUF, as well as to local organizations, through hand-knitted or crocheted items (block blankets, care shawls, hats, and baby items.) Clicking also encourages knitting and crocheting as spiritual practices.
Read more: Clicking for a Cause
- Contact Person: Linda Brown
- Role: Coodinator
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister
ERUUF Seniors
ERUUF retirees and seniors gather for companionship and good conversation.
- Contact Person: Redford Williams and Dick Clark
- Role: Co-coordinators
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister
Book Club
Tuesday evening book group meets 3rd Tuesdays except December; Library, (Room 6) 7:00-8:30 pm. We meet to talk about books chosen by the group, usually books that do not have a religious or self-help theme. See the ERUUF calendar for our current book list - open the upcoming events section of the calendar and add the filter "book". That will pull up the Book Club meetings which list the upcoming books for discussion.
- Contact Person: Victoria Zula
- Role: Coordinator
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister
20s and 30s Group
The ERUUF 20's and 30's Group offers opportunities for social and spiritual connections with other young people (students, professionals, single, married, both with and without kids). Activities range from purely social to spiritually based discussion groups. Newcomers are always welcome!
- Contact Person: Mary Katherine Beam
- Role: Coordinator
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Jim Lewis, Minister of Lifespan Faith Development & Pastoral Care
Activities with ERUUFians (AWE)
AWE (Activities With ERUUFians) is a social group for adults of all ages who would like the opportunity to build community in a smaller group setting. We meet the second Sunday of each month in the late afternoon or early evening, for a variety of activities and fellowship. Newcomers to ERUUF are especially welcome!
Because our activities are varied (local events, hikes, movies, dinners out), times and locations change each month. We send an email to our AWE Google Groups email list with details of that month’s event a few days before each meeting.
For more information or to be added to our mailing list to receive event-specific dates and times, send an email to .- Contact Person: Deb Davis, Lynn Heath, Gabrielle Weinberger
- Role: Co-coordinators
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister