This committee has the primary function of nominating candidates for elected positions at ERUUF. The goal of the Committee is to recognize, nurture, and call upon the talents and gifts of a wide cross section of the congregation who are willing and able to represent the Fellowship as a whole.
We work to provide an open and inclusive process to develop and sustain ERUUF leaders, and so we consider all ERUUF members with an interest in an available elected position. In making nominations we try to build a team of members with complementary talents. The election process is open since any member may petition to join the ballot. We also help ERUUF leaders connect with non-elected positions where they fit.
The Nominating Committee consists of seven members of ERUUF who serve for terms of three years. The terms are staggered, such that two or three positions will typically be filled each year. A member of the Board of Trustees serves as a non-voting liaison.
Documents and Forms
Job descriptions for the Board of Trustees, Healthy Congregations Committee, and Nominating Committee along with nomination and petition forms can be found by clicking the button below.
Members of the Nominating Committee
Eddie Carlisle, Jr.
I’ve been a member of ERUUF since 2014, but has been attending services since 2010. Before I was raised Baptist, and I identify as Pansexual. I have been involved with BIPOC, Pride Plus, Durham Can, AWE, and the Multicultural Committee. I’m also a member of the choir at ERUUF. I’ve been involved with Denominational Affairs with the Chapel Hill and Raleigh congregations over the years. I never wanted to go to college because I knew it wasn’t for me. I love the fellowship and love the opportunity to become more involved.
Mary Evers
I first came to ERUUF late in 2018 and immediately knew that I had found a community and a spiritual home. I joined ERUUF in the Spring of 2019 as part of that remarkably large group of new members. Standing down front holding my rose and being welcomed by the congregation along with so many others who also had decided to make ERUUF their home was a truly memorable experience. Although COVID came just a year later and made it more difficult for all of us, ERUUF has remained a source of comfort for me. I am most grateful for everyone who made it possible for us to so quickly and constantly be able to have Zoom services and Zoom meetings. All of that made it possible for me to be involved at ERUUF as a Chalice Circle Co-leader, a member of PRIDE+, and a card writer for Care Ministries. I am thrilled to be nominated to serve on the Nominations Committee and to have the opportunity to be more involved.
On a more personal note, I have lived in Durham for 30+ years and have watched it grow into the amazing city that it is now. I am a Pediatric Psychologist and had a practice in Durham for 28 years. More recently I started working with more disadvantaged children, first at Lincoln Community Health Center on a part-time basis. I went on to work full-time with another Community Health Center and worked with disadvantaged children along the NC/VA border for 5 years. This experience taught me a great deal about poverty and systemic racism. I am back in private practice now, but I look forward to continuing my social justice work with ERUUF. When I am not busy with work, I can generally be found playing tennis or pickleball, enjoying time with my friends, or hanging out with my dog.
Don Moffitt
Don Moffitt formally joined the congregation in 2019 and serves as a facilitator of the Inquirer Series. He’s lived in Durham since 1991 and over the years has served on the board of the Eno River Association, the City-County Planning Commission and Durham City Council. He holds a professional degree in architecture and an MBA and provides financial guidance to cooperatively owned grocery stores that are considering large investments (such as an expansion or relocation). He and his wife, Sidney, have a lovely 18 year old daughter. He’s participated in racial equity trainings by dRworks, REI and others, loves the community of ERUUF and wants to be of service to the fellowship.
Laura Phoenix
A chance encounter and intuition brought me to ERUUF during a personal crisis in 2017. I wasn't looking for a spiritual community but was drawn by my sense of radical welcome and homecoming. A member since 2019, I've participated in various musical ensembles, the MCT, WAG, and Rev. Brett's Spiritual Practices group.
I am in this world to heal within and around me. Healing is radical work that includes dismantling oppression within and without, and it necessarily involves our human interconnectedness. Professionally, my business is Warrior Pose Yoga & Healing. I guide body-based practices--yoga, Somatic Experiencing, and bodywork--to help groups and individuals heal from trauma. I passionately love my work, running, learning, and nature. I share my life and a home with my partner Sean. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve at ERUUF, the spiritual community I'm proud to have grown into.
Page Potter
I am a North Carolina native who spent my early years mostly in Virginia, returning to NC in 1965 when my family moved to Winston-Salem. I studied music and German in Vienna, Austria eventually receiving a degree from the University of Vienna and returning to North Carolina for law school in 1978. I have lived in Durham since 1983. Happily, two of my three younger sisters and their husbands still live in North Carolina; my youngest sister, and all my six nieces and nephews, are scattered from New Hampshire to Texas.
I was raised in the Episcopal church, but like many, stopped attending services after my teens. In 2000 I found myself at a crossroads in my personal and professional life. I visited ERUUF at the invitation of friends and immediately felt I had found what I had not known I needed: a spiritual tradition and community that valued reason and eschewed dogma; that puts its faith in the individual and in the sacred promises we make to one another in our covenantal communities; that makes room for differences, for doubt, for wonder, and for mystery. Within months of attending my first service, I signed the book.
My roles at ERUUF include sermon transcriber (in the days before recordings were available online!), Greeter, adult RE participant, Music Committee and choir member, Café ERUUF attendee and performer. With other ERUUFians, I have attended HKONJ and Moral Monday marches and Black Lives Matter demonstrations. Covenant Groups and chalice circles have been an important part of my life at ERUUF since the beginning.
Most of my professional life has been in legal education. After law school and a brief stint in private law practice, I taught at both Wake and Durham Technical Community College and directed Meredith College’s paralegal program for 13 years. I retired from full-time work in 2017 after 15 years as director of pro bono and public service programs at North Carolina Central University School of Law.
I enjoy spending time hiking, backpacking, bird watching, gardening with native plants; exercising at the YMCA; reading and attending classical and bluegrass music concerts. I am an active volunteer with groups focusing on climate, voter engagement, and the low-wealth community in Durham.
Nan Walker
I joined ERUUF in 2017. Soon after, I became a Greeter and have fulfilled that role off and on since joining. In addition, I participate in the ERUUF Players and currently chair that group. This feels like home. I never planned on becoming involved in a church again until I came to ERUUF. I love the opportunities available here and am participating in the adult version of Coming of Age. My goal on this committee is to provide ERUUF with the best leadership available.
Bev Wedda
Bev joined ERUUF with her spouse Denise in 2016 shortly after relocating to Durham from central MA to be closer to Denise’s mom and family. Having come from a much smaller UU congregation, she joined a Chalice Circle to foster deeper connection with a small group of members and friends first. She soon became a group leader, then joined the program’s Steering Team where she’s been serving for a number of years, currently as Co-Chair. She’s served for brief times as an RE teacher and on the Coffee Hour team. She’s participated in Pride+, Multicultural and Earth Justice activities, and often provides background event support for larger Earth Justice and Justice Ministry gatherings. She has attended a number of ERUUF’s REI trainings and the Transgender Inclusion in Congregation training.
Bev works part-time as a Primary Care Physician and Educator with the Durham VA Healthcare System and is especially passionate about the Whole Health approach to Veteran care being adopted at sites across the country. Outside of work, she enjoys being outdoors hiking, bicycling, gardening and kayaking. She’s a plot owner at Briggs Ave. Community Garden in Durham and a member of the Harvest team that gathers produce weekly for donation to the food pantry at Durham Tech.
She hopes to bring her experiences and skills in service as an effective member of the Nominating Committee.