Our Refugee and Immigrant Action Group is embarking on a new project this fall, matching ERUUF volunteers with local Afghan women to tutor them for their driving tests. Does that sound interesting to you? If so, read on!
Because of rising housing costs, local refugee families are settling further from the resources in city centers. Driving becomes an essential skill for access to everything from picking up groceries, to taking a child to the doctor, to getting a job or attending classes. Our involvement will enable women to gain this practical skill and support their families. Would you be interested in participating? No commitment needed yet.
Send an email to and we'll be in touch. Questions? Dennis McGrath is our point person on this and can be reached at and (407) 342-5821
And, for a fascinating profile of a volunteer driving instructor in California who's taught 400 Afghan women to drive, check out this NY Times article. GIFT ARTICLE LINK: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/16/us/california-afghanistan-women-driving.html?unlocked_article_code=1.LE4.5pS3.gL4JJnN3PbLw&smid=url-share