UU Justice NC's Friday Action Hour, September 27th at 11:00 - Tell the Legislature to Vote NO on HB 10 Veto Override. Last week, Governor Cooper vetoed HB 10, a bill that would make our communities less safe, increase fear in immigrant communities and undermine democratically elected sheriffs. And, at a time when public schools in our state remain severely underfunded, HB 10 includes a $554 million expansion of private school vouchers. This week, we will be joined by Maria Lopez Gonzalez, Public Policy Advocate at the NC Budget & Tax Center. She will provide a briefing on HB 10, and then put us to work, calling key elected officials who could determine whether the General Assembly successfully overrides the Governor's veto. Review this week's resources and actions on our Google Doc, and Join via this Zoom Link.

North Carolina UU the Vote Pre-Election Event - Sunday, November 3rd at 7:00pm. Join UU Justice NC and UUs across North Carolina for this special pre-election day gathering. Together, we will celebrate NC UU the Vote - the largest activation of UUs in the history of our state! We will also get grounded in our faith and values as we prepare for election results. Register Here.

Democracy NC Vote Protectors Trainings - Vote Protectors will monitor polling places in their communities flagging, long lines, problems with curbside voting or accessibility, voter confusion, and misinformation or voter suppression. Sign up for one of four online training this month! You'll get a crash course in election law and best practices for voter engagement to ensure every voter that arrives at the polls this election is supported and their ballot is counted. Trainings will be offered on Tuesday, September 17th, Thursday, September 19th, Monday, September 23rd, and Wednesday, September 25th - all from 6:00 - 8:00pm. Register Here.



Contact Person: Kaleb Graves
Role: Liaison