The Art Galleries Committee seeks out artists for the ERUUF art galleries and exhibition spaces, juries their submissions and serves as curators for their exhibits. The Committee oversees the Eno River Gallery, in the main foyer of the ERUUF Sanctuary Building, and other display spaces in the Fellowship Hall and CARE Building. Additionally, the Committee sponsors selected arts activities and events during the year.
Our Fellowship believes that art is an important part of the spiritual experience. To this end, we maintain a small, well appointed gallery where we display works by local artists for 5-6 week periods.
Display Space
Our gallery comprises a 20-foot-wide by 6-foot-tall off-white wall fronted by a 2-1/2 foot deep counter. It is equipped with a Walker hanging system and has very good lighting, both natural and artificial. In addition to 2-D works, it can accommodate small to modest size 3-D pieces. Your work will be seen by several hundred people when they come to services each Sunday and also by the many visitors to our campus during the week. You are welcome to invite friends to come by when the building is open (10 AM to 4 PM Monday-Thursday, Sunday 9-11).
Artist Selection Process
You are invited to submit your 2- or 3- dimensional artwork for display during 2023-2024. As ERUUF’s commitment to racial equity and inclusion deepens, we encourage people of color to be represented. Group shows of up to four artists are also considered. You do not need to be associated with the Fellowship to apply.
Selection of Work for Exhibition
Submissions are evaluated by a Gallery Committee based on skill, originality, cohesion, interest, and our desire to have a variety of media and styles over the year. We are open to most anything, but please keep in mind that many people who will be viewing your artwork come there in a meditative or spiritual frame of mind. Your work can be ambiguous, but it should not be threatening or disturbing and should be viewable by all ages. If you have questions about appropriateness, please discuss them with us in advance. The ERUUF Art Gallery Committee has the right to reject any piece it feels may be objectionable.
Sales will be handled between the purchaser and the exhibitor. Any subsequent risk related to the purchasing of the work must be assumed by the exhibitor. For any work purchased during the exhibit period, or as a result of the exhibit at ERUUF, the artist is expected that 20% of the selling price will be given to ERUUF for its arts programming.
Artworks exhibited are not insured by ERUUF. The foyer is supervised by the administrative office and the building where the gallery is located is locked when the office is not open. No artwork has ever been stolen or damaged.
Each accepted artist will be assigned a liaison from our committee to assist with publicity, installation, and other matters. Inquiries should be made to .
Artist Submissions
Submissions must be done electronically and include the following:
- A PDF or Microsoft Word file containing your contact information, bio/resumé, a statement about your work and the show you plan, and any other information you consider relevant.
- 6 to 10 JPEG,JPG or PNG images of your work, at least 800 pixels on the short side. These do not have to be the exact works you plan to show, but they should be representative. As an alternative, you may send the URL of a web page where your work can be viewed.
- Be sure to name your files in a way that identifies you or your art, such as John_Doe_1.jpg.
- A Google or Gmail account (required to upload the files).
- Past exhibitors may apply again if at least two years have passed since the previous show.
Art Gallery Committee:
Vincent Licenziato, Nan Walker, Jan Goffney, Steve Criscenzo, Amy Wilson-Stronks, Kurt Pivko