The Stewardship Steering Team works with the lead minister and staff to develop a culture of generosity and the practice of taking care of what is loved at ERUUF.  

Why is a culture of generosity a primary focus for stewardship?

  • Generosity enhances the wellbeing of those to whom it is given, and the act of generosity enhances and heightens the spirituality of those who freely express it.  
  • Mindful generosity helps us, in a very tangible way, to directly support that which enhances our own personal, spiritual, and moral values and beliefs. 
  • Fostering the practice of generosity and stewardship is important to ensure that our community continues to thrive, by nurturing all the people and means that enable and support the spiritual mission of ERUUF.  

The Stewardship Team has been convened by the Coordinating Team to serve as a consultative body for all stewardship activities at ERUUF.  Its mission is to 

  1. Develop educational and outreach resources that help ERUUFians grow in their understanding of stewardship at ERUUF and the spiritual and practical aspects of money management and giving.
  2. Ensure clarity and alignment of all major stewardship activities at ERUUF:  Who is asked, what is asked for (time, treasure and/or talent), and the timing of ask.
  3. Identify areas for collaboration and/or coordination among the various entities that conduct stewardship activities at ERUUF and identify potential areas of duplication.
  4. Help identify solutions to challenges faced by any of the stewardship teams.
  5. Maintain a compendium of past approaches to stewardship activities.

docxCharge to the Stewardship Council

The Team includes representation from all teams that participate in stewardship activities at ERUUF, including pledge drive, fundraisers or special campaigns, Legacy Giving and the Eno River Fellowship Foundation.

Staff Partners: Rev. Jacqueline Brett, Lead Minister, and Rev. Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister

Contact Person: Beth Harvat
Role: Convener
Staff Partner: Rev. Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister, Rev. Jacqueline Brett, Lead Minister
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  • Pew Rack Organizers

    Pew Literature Rack straightening volunteers work about 90 minutes once a week to ensure that hymnal books and literature are readily available and in good order.

  • Visitor Hosts Team

    Remember back when you were visiting ERUUF for the first time, and you sought out a friendly face? The Visitor Host team is always at the ready to welcome our new visitors and returning newcomers to ERUUF, and we want you to join us!

  • Care Card Ministry

    This team sends handwritten personal cards to members who are ill or experiencing a joy or sorrow in their lives.  Members also help at the Care table during coffee hours, providing a place for people to write their own cards in support of other congregational members. 

  • Denominational Affairs Team

    This group works to strengthen ERUUF's connections with regional, national, and international Unitarian Universalist organizations.

    Meet the team


  • Garden Team

    Volunteer gardeners help plant, enhance, and maintain ERUUF's gardens in agreement with the existing landscaping plan. Volunteers work together, share gardening knowledge and build community. Volunteers may also work on their own and adopt a garden plot to maintain throughout the growing season.

  • Worship Associates

    Worship Associates are members of the Fellowship who assist the ministers in planning and delivering Sunday morning services. Worship Associates agree to serve for one or two year terms, receive special training and meet regularly to plan, evaluate and discuss worship. Training is held in the summer. 

  • Buildings and Grounds Committee

    The mission of the Building & Grounds volunteers is to maintain ERUUF's property. Activities include carpentry, plumbing, electrical repairs, etc. to the buildings and landscaping, gardening, lawn mowing, etc. on the grounds. Skilled and unskilled volunteers are welcome.

  • Annual Pledge Drive

    Our annual pledge drive offers many tasks that can be done at home: writing and mailing thank-you notes, overseeing publicity, and making follow-up telephone calls. On site we need cheerful support on Sundays during the campaign, and a few special events. Most activity is between February and April.

  • Music Committee

    The Music Committee helps select and organize music for the choirs, plans for and provides logictics for special music events and generally works with the Director of Music in planning and arranging for the music program at ERUUF. 

  • Membership Team

    The Membership team helps guide and support individuals as they learn about our beloved ERUUF community. The team coordinates the Inquirers Series classes and the Visitor Hosts, and is a part of the “Membership Journey” from an individual’s first visit to ERUUF through the New Member Sunday service and celebration. 

  • Meals Team

    A helping team for Pastoral Associates, willing to be contacted about providing meals for ERUUFians as needed.

  • Planned Giving Team

    The Planned Giving Team, in conjunction with the ministers, does the education, recruitment and facilitation for legacy gifts that build greater sustainability of ERUUF’s mission well into the future.

  • Sunday Flowers Team

    The Flower Team oversees flowers needed or donated for Sundays.

    Every Sunday, a beautiful flower arrangement is displayed in the sanctuary. Those who donate to Sunday flowers can provide a dedication for Sunday Service to honor a special person or to celebrate an occasion they want to share with fellow worshipers.

  • Pastoral Care Associates

    Through phone calls and face-to-face conversations, Associates respond to the ERUUF members’ joys, sorrows and milestones. These trained members visit members as representatives of the congregation. This empowers members to fulfill their covenant to care for one another and our neighbors and helps ERUUF realize its mission of service and love.

  • Rides Team

    A helping team of the Pastoral Associates, willing to be on call to give rides to ERUUFians as needed.

  • Art Gallery Committee

    The Art Galleries Committee seeks out artists for the ERUUF art galleries and exhibition spaces, juries their submissions and serves as curators for their exhibits. The Committee oversees the Eno River Gallery, in the main foyer of the ERUUF Sanctuary Building, and other display spaces in the Fellowship Hall and CARE Building. Additionally, the Committee sponsors selected arts activities and events during the year.

  • Stewardship Team

    The Stewardship Steering Team works with the lead minister and staff to develop a culture of generosity and the practice of taking care of what is loved at ERUUF.  

  • Coffee Team

    Members of the Coffee Team provide fresh-brewed coffee, tea and hot chocolate, set up and clean up every Sunday after each service. Members of the team work about once a month.

  • Sunday Greeters

    Sunday Greeters welcome everyone to the Sanctuary and hand out the order of service. Greeters also help prepare the pulpit area and candles before the service begins, take and count the Sunday offering, and count worship attendance.

  • Sound Booth Team

    The Sound Booth Team is specially trained to run the sound board in the sanctuary during Sunday services and for other special occasions.  Duties include set up and mike test prior to the start of services including for special speakers or music, monitoring mike status and levels during the service and recording the sermon.  Usually 1-2 shifts per month.